Extra Home Online Learning
If your child is currently self-isolating because they are awaiting a test result, tested positive or ill at home we still want their education to continue providing they are well enough to learn.
To help this we have created an independent online learning timetable. To use this, access to a laptop/tablet/smart phone and internet is required – a pen and paper would also be helpful.
Just select the correct year group from below, open the document and click the lessons each day. The online timetable is similar to the in-school timetable; students are learning the same subjects and the same topics and they are attending five/six lessons each day for an hour at a time.
We would really appreciate your support in ensuring your child completes each lessons each day.
*Please note this does not apply to students when a whole year group has been sent home – they will access live lessons via Microsoft Teams*
Other Learning Platforms
David Walliams is releasing an audio version of his books on a daily basis, go to https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/ to find out more.
Free Stem Home Learning Resources, with plenty of great Ideas for Science, Maths and Product ideas Click Here!
Scholastic has created a free learn-from-home site with 20+ days of learning and activities - Click Here!
Pretend to travel the world. Go on a virtual tour of these 12 famous museums - Click Here!
This is the awesome free curriculum that we use. Everything from preschool activities to Year 11 is here! - Click Here!
List of thinking games by Year Group - Click Here
The National Theatre is streaming live shows over the next few weeks. Watch Live from Here
Do you think about something you are personally interested in or something that you want to know more about, have a look at the Universal Project Guide Here
BBC Bitesize
A comprehensive online resource for all subjects. Access can be gained from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize. In addition, a free app for both android and apple devices can be downloaded from the google play store and apple app store. An account isn’t essential, but will allow students to store their previous work.
Amazon makes books, video, music and more available for free. With most of the country staying ay home at the moment Amazon have put together a handy guide with all information you need to enjoy the books, video, music and other greath free content they are making available on your phone or other devices. For free books, videos and more that you can access right now on Amazon. Click Here!
The government have produced a children’s guide to coronavirus which aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home. This is available at the following link:
Or downloaded HERE